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Very urgently required: Cuba_Uganda_Ghana_Pakistan_Afghan

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Very urgently required: Cuba_Uganda_Ghana_Pakistan_Afghan Empty Very urgently required: Cuba_Uganda_Ghana_Pakistan_Afghan

Post  roy huaallen Tue Aug 22, 2017 6:54 am

Urgently required all destination NON CLI routes as follows:
·Pakistan NCLI
·Afghanistan NCLI
·Sudan zain,mtn NON CLI
·Azerbaijan NON CLI.
·Bangladesh Mobile All NON CLI
·Georgia NON CLI
·India NCLI
·Tunisia NCLI
·Chad NCLI
·Madagascar NCLI
·Gambia NCLI
·Bolivia Cellular NCLI
·Cuba NCLI
·Mozambique vodacom NCLI
·Jamaica NCLI
·Albania NCLI
·Mali NCLI
·Algeria NCLI
·Uganda MTN NCLI
Please contact with your best offers.
Skype ID: live:278905751

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roy huaallen

Posts : 399
Join date : 2017-08-08

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