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It is Easier to Make Money Now

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Post  amaldata Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:39 am

At Datasoft Networks, we are excited to extend you a very warm welcome to our rewarding Affiliate/Reseller Program.We are sure that you are excited too about ticking the meter on to earn those extra bucks $$$, which you have been waiting to earn for all this while. You will qualify you to earn 10% of the sale proceeds as well as 10% of any subsequent payments they make towards rental of services they have purchased via your website.This is a block of text for your email campaign.

Example: You refer a customer who registers at our site and places a paid order for $34/Month server you are entitled to get $3.40/month until your referred customer remains subscribed to the service, this means you get $3.40/month (10% of monthly rental) when your referred customer pays rent for each of the subsequent months.

You can use our Affiliate/Reseller Program in THREE WAYS

Activate your Affiliate account
Log on to and activate Use your unique affiliate link url Example: (xxxx is your Affiliate ID) to your customers via Email promotions, News Letter Promotions, Forum Posting or with links embedded in your website.
Special Offer: Activate your Affiliate Account and get $10 in Affiliate account Credit now
Create your own WordPress website or use your existing website with WHMCS Bridge:
When you use your unique affiliate ID url Example: (xxxx is your Affiliate ID) and ensure that visitors to your website are redirected to register & complete a paid order from our web page you get 10% and you will also enjoy 10% of their monthly rentals from subsequent rent payments.
Note: If you need, we can assign you a Domain Name and website for $500 one time fee and $5/month rent. Example . And then you can modify the website as you want it, For this Just open us a ticket with subject line : Affiliate Program hosted website < >
White Label our services with your own brand name and a custom website (Full WHMCS Set up)
With a one time fee of $1000 you will be able to set up your own custom website and complete a WHMCS set up (Web Hosting Manager Complete Solution) to offer hosting services with your Own Brand Name and at your Own price email to with subject line Datasoft White Label to learn more..

How to Market your Affiliate ID link and make More referrals & more money $$$

We encourage you to start marketing and promoting your website/Affiliate ID so as to increase the traffic and start making referrals to earn that extra income. A few of the channels that our successful Affiliates/resellers have been using to promote their websites/Unique Referral ID are as below:
*Promoting your unique Affiliate ID URL, through Social Media Network such as Twitter ( , Facebook ( , Linkedin ( to publish your website/Affiliate ID with details of services.
*Actively participating in forums and blogs (Related to Servers, VOIPSWITCH, Virtual Desktop, Website hosting etc.) to promote your website/Affiliate ID by listing our hosting services.
*Adopting Email campaigns that contain links to your website/Affiliate ID with description of services we offer.
*Extending banners or listings with your Unique Affiliate ID in prominent classified websites, both local and global.
*Using google adwords to promote your website or your Unique Affiliate ID.

The above are only few methods that are taken up by our resellers, However we are sure you have your own network and means to promote your website/Affiliate ID and earn that extra money....

Visit for our FAQ section

Wishing you the best.


Datasoft Networks Team


Posts : 41
Join date : 2017-08-01

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