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CLI Daily Offers by Speedflow!

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CLI Daily Offers by Speedflow!  Empty CLI Daily Offers by Speedflow!

Post  ani.filipova Mon Oct 09, 2017 6:20 am

Speedflow is offering the following stable routes:

Pakistan Mobilink CLI 22% 2min
Finland mobile EURO CLI 46% 3min
Zambia Celtel Airtel CLI 21% 3min
Honduras mobile Celtel CLI 78% 4min
Uzbekistan all CLI 61% 7min

Also we provide Direct SMS routes: Serbia, Switzerland, Egypt and United Kingdom.
Please contact with your targets.

Best regards,
Ani Filipova
Relationship Manager
Speedflow Communications
Skype: live:filipova_29
Making VOIP better since 2004!


Posts : 213
Join date : 2017-05-03

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