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AntiHack and Firewall Solutions for VOIP/Call Center Applica

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AntiHack and Firewall Solutions for VOIP/Call Center Applica Empty AntiHack and Firewall Solutions for VOIP/Call Center Applica

Post  beena Fri May 11, 2018 2:18 am

AntiHack and Firewall Solutions for VOIP/Call Center Applications

Voip servers & Call Center applications are often vulnerable to attacks that leave your valuable VOIP servers and Call Center applications open to attack by hackers, Often they are also subject to attacks that either leave the servers denied of service owing to DDOS and also have valuable VOIP minutes stolen.

At Datasoft, we value the security of customer servers and extend premium services to safeguard and protect their servers with Premium support package priced only at $49/month that also offers Antihack Module. Following are the elaborate steps we take;

1. Firewall installation and configuration. Block unwanted ports from hacking.

2. Change SSH/RDP port to another port and allow only for your IP.

3. Change admin url to a different port and allow only your IP. Keeping admin url at port 80 is very unsafe.

4. Install FAIL2BAN BruteForce Attack prevetning module to block all user account password scanning hackers.

Please refer this picture to see how it works.

5. Install SIP Port 5060 Scanner Attack Block Module to block any fake VOIP traffic from Hackers. This is the most common type of VOIP hacking attack using Dialer scanners. And this is the most important module to hackproof VOIP Servers.

Please refer this picture to see how it works.

6. Blocking an IP in firewall when ever customer requests.

7. 24/7 Bandwidth Monitoring and reporting Service.

8. 24/7 E-Mail Spamlist Monitoring and reporting Service.

9. Basic Asterisk/Elastix/FreePBX/A2billing configuration support, Error checking and fixing.

VOIP/Call Center Server solutions starting at only $38/Month, We also offer any other Troubleshooting help you may need. (limited to 5 hours per month, our normal support fee is $25/hour) Wait No Longer! Think no longer! Secure your VOIP & Call Centre servers soon by visiting Chat with our specialists 24/7 on our website to learn more!


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Join date : 2017-02-02

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