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MediaCore SBC ‑ Smart Reporting for VoIP business Analysis

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MediaCore SBC ‑ Smart Reporting for VoIP business Analysis  Empty MediaCore SBC ‑ Smart Reporting for VoIP business Analysis

Post  MariwaSpeedflow Thu Sep 20, 2018 6:18 am

The updated MediaCore SBC by #Speedflow comes with enhanced Reporting features to offer #telecom Wholesale providers more detailed information about their traffic and operations in just a few clicks. It now provides carriers with better ways to analyze their business and thus improves their #VoIP and SMS termination services.
Some of the new reports included in the latest #MediaCore update are SMS Price Analyzer, DLR Time, MPS Limit column, daily SMS traffic reports and more. Users are also welcome to take advantage of Network Efficiency Ratio (NER), Call log, Grouped Active Calls, Callback Percentage, Enhanced Performance and more. They have been developed in such a way to be more informative for all staff, including managers, executives and technicians.

If you have any more inquiries, do not hesitate to contact our software team or visit


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