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Cuba, PAK, India, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, BD, Cameroon Ncl

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Cuba, PAK, India, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, BD, Cameroon Ncl Empty Cuba, PAK, India, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, BD, Cameroon Ncl

Post  Snowfly-Jessie Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:51 pm

Cuba, PAK, India, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, BD, Cameroon Ncli routes need.
53 Cuba
923 Pakistan Telenor 9234/ Mobilink 9230
91 India all
251 Ethiopia all
234 Nigeria MTN
237 Cameroon MTN
249 Sudan MTN/ Zain
628 Indonesia Excelcom/ Telkomsel / Axis
601 Malaysia
8801 Bangladesh
971 UAE Proper
Support: Bankwire, RMB, Paypal, Western union, PAK / BD local payment
Kindly please contact me if you have good working route. Thanks a lot.
Skype: b88v88
Wechat: A1096361295


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Join date : 2018-09-11

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