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Please ping me if you have folllowing route,retail traffic

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Please ping me if you have folllowing route,retail traffic  Empty Please ping me if you have folllowing route,retail traffic

Post  flylee Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:36 am

goip gsm gateway asterisk configuration Traffic available for Indonesia 62 Ethiopia 251 Inmarsat 870 NCLI routes
Ethiopia 251
Sri lanka 94
Indonesia 62
Inmarsat 870
Nepal 977
Egypt 201
Nigeria 234
Philippines 63
Combodia 855
Yemen 967
Our sk gateway sk32-512 price decreased.VOS3000 on promotion.
Sms business running well..
Skype: flylee.2014
Whatsapp/wechat: 008618826499076


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Join date : 2018-09-05

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