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Sell voice ncli routes: Srilanka SLT, Eritrea, Afghanistan

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Sell voice ncli routes: Srilanka SLT, Eritrea, Afghanistan   Empty Sell voice ncli routes: Srilanka SLT, Eritrea, Afghanistan

Post  Snowfly-Jessie Wed Apr 28, 2021 1:06 am

Sell voice ncli routes: Srilanka SLT, Eritrea, Afghanistan Etisalat, inMarsat, Myanmar.
Buy voice ncli routes: Morocco, Indonesia, India, Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Iran, Ghana, Sudan, Srilanka Dialog.

Payment support: AED, BDT, INR, PKR, RMB, USD in local banks.

Stable route or traffic pls ping Snowfly Telecom sales team:
skype: snowflyjessie
skype: 3400278087


Posts : 532
Join date : 2018-09-11

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