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looking for direct routes ncli gsm or tdm: Eritrea/Tunisia

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looking for direct routes ncli gsm or tdm: Eritrea/Tunisia Empty looking for direct routes ncli gsm or tdm: Eritrea/Tunisia

Post  CindyMaize Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:42 am

looking for direct routes ncli gsm or tdm: Eritrea/Tunisia/Iran/Algeria/Moldova
Hi, this is Cindy from Maize Communication. I am looking for direct routes ncli gsm or tdm. Here is the list of what we need:
Tunisia 216 → ncli
Lebanon 961 → ncli
Moldova 373 → ncli
Vietnam 84 → ncli
Algeria 213 → ncli
Iran 98 → ncli
Mozambique 258 → ncli
Ukraine 380 → ncli
Philippines 63→ncli
Malawi 265 → ncli
Yemen Generated 967
Eritrea Generated 291
Ecuador 593 → ncli
South Africa 27 → ncli/TDM
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